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Contact Us

Contact Us

Thanks for getting in touch. Just scroll below the pictures for the contact form.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts, but please understand that running this website is unpaid and I don’t have any staff working for me.

If you found errors (facts wrong, broken links, etc.) please do let me know and I will make those corrections. I did my best, but I’m sure I got a few things wrong.

Some of you will think I left out a really important person, but honestly I can’t keep adding so many more pages (because I have other work to do, and because I don’t want this site to be a million pages long).  But if, for example, you know someone from a country that isn’t yet represented, that would be super!

And please note that I am compiling a list from your comments for Appendix D, so feel free to send along a name if you wish. It would be helpful if you also provided a really good link about her.

Best wishes,