Cut to:
The (almost seventeen) Screen Credits

I am grateful to Jamie Berthe, who has done scholarly work on Rouch, for her help in finding several of these screen credits.
Renee Lichtig is the only one of the seventeen editors not represented here, but in the full screen credit gallery on the site you can see hers from Le déjeuner sur l’herbe by Jean Renoir.
The screen credits are listed alphabetically by the last name of the editor. When more than one woman is listed, it’s by the first one.

“Chronique d’un été”—”Chronicle of a Summer” (1960) — Directed by Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin — Edited by Jean Ravel, Néna Baratier and Françoise Collin (not Colin)
“Les maîtres fous” — “The Mad Masters” (1960) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Suzanne Baron
“Fêtes de l’indépendence du Niger” — “Celebrations of the Independence of Niger” (1962) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Suzanne Baron and Annie Tresgot
“Moi fatigué debout, moi couché” — “I’m tired of standing, I lie down” (1997) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Françoise Beloux
“Les Veuves de quinze ans” (one segment in “La fleur de l’âge”) (1964) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Claudine Bouché
“Babatu, les trois conseils” — “Babatu and Three Wise Counsels” (1977) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Christine Lefort
“Petit à petit” — “Little by Little” (1971) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Josée Matarasso and Dominique Villain
“La chasse au lion à l’arc” — “The Lion Hunters” (1965) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Josée Matarasso and Dov Hoenig
“Jaguar” (1968) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Josée (not José) Matarasso, Liliane Korb, Jean-Pierre Lacam
“Gare du Nord” (one segment in “Paris vu Par”) (1966) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Jaqueline/Jackie Raynal
“Horendi” (1972) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Danièle Tessier
“La punition” — “The Punishment” (1962) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Annie Tresgot
“La pyramide humaine” — “The Human Pyramid” (1961) — Directed by Jean Rouch — Edited by Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte, Francine Grubert, Geneviève Bastid and Liliane Korb