Bernice Schneider

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Bernice Schneider trained at MIT’s Media Lab under the direction of cinema-verité filmmaker Richard Leacock and has worked as a documentary film editor for over twenty years. In addition to independent feature films, she has edited numerous films for five series on PBS: The American Experience, Frontline, American Masters, Independent Lens, and Nova.
Schneider won a Prime Time Emmy for American Experience’s two-part series Douglas MacArthur: Destiny and The Politics of War, directed by Sarah Holt and Austin Hoyt, and has won four CINE Golden Eagle awards, for Juan Mandelbaum’s Ringl and Pit, Physics by Inquiry, The Dodge Poetry Festival, and another American Experience episode, After the Crash.
Schneider’s other editing credits include Llewellyn M. Smith’s The House We Live In (part of the groundbreaking series Race: The Power of an Illusion), María Agui Carter’s Rebel, Laurel Chiten’s Just One Drop, Alice Dungan Bouvrie’s A Chance to Dress, Eric Neudel’s Lives Worth Living, Sandra Jaffe’s Our Mockingbird and Laurel Shaw’s Angkor’s Children, which she co-edited with Stephanie Munroe.  Schneider has also worked with national correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault for PBS’s Newshour on location in Kenya, Somalia, South Africa and Haiti; the ten-part series Somalia Diary won The Harry Chapin Media Award for Best Television.